what an amazing year of two thousand and ten, i should really really really be grateful to all the things i've been through indeed. in a year i found tons of amazing people, places, jobs, opportunities, and inspirations which brings all of my dream to be come true. the whole process make me realize how much i do love and care about my job.. my life.. and my passion in the industry. i knew, every year it always be special for us but sooo bad i was think of this year its gonna be nothing for me...but hell yeah! it's beyond my expectation. i am 'sooper dooper happy now!'
i should thanks to god and the people who has been supported me all of this year to watch my back..
first of all. ALLAH S.W.T, my mom dad and my brother, erina lebang, hakim satriyo, bona soetirto, todi yahya, teuku adjie, adinda dinyol, fairuza ahmad iqbal, mustaqim, pramono prakoso, raditya arya pratama, mas ditto, mas jacky, pria hardie (football heroes), ichsan, prizka. r, gina .a and also really amazing people to work with, tania ledezma, aldi indrajaya, endi catur, reza bustami, nakita massardi, ian kamil djunaid (vtm), grace (sum), ema novia, melodia lukita, kristell chenutt and blinov roman, juliet pishnyak, carina leps, valezka adiputra, ida bagus charisma, anindya devy, margaretha novianty, the trees and the wild and lots of them which i couldn't write one by one. without all of these people, i don't think I'm gonna earn that much for sure.
lastly, its not the end of the journey, really excited to face 'tomorrow' and so much plan for 2011. keep watch my step and always remember to appreciate what goes around you :)
******HAPPY NEW YEAR ******
may all of your wishes come true